Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Learning to Learn

One thing that we unlearn is that teachers are the expert. The only thing that we need to experts is; inspiring other, asking questions, and learning. Another we should unlearn is teaching is confined to four wall or pages ofa book. Also, that teaching is not telling. According to one teacher, it's "very difficult to unlearn when my district is telling me to do sit and talk with my students..." According to another teacher, they need to unlearn that they are the one running the lessons in the classroom. One teacher says that we need to unlearn that: we need grades and grading, we should fail kids who don't finish, we should slow down fast learners to narrow gaps, teachers control the knowledge.

We need to re-learn that the unexpected will happen. Teachers have to learn how to be facitilators of knowledge. One good quote from a teacher is "teaching is learning, learning is relationships, relationships are without bonds." A teacher says that she needs to learn how to provide more knowledge in practice in my professional development. She think that people learn best from each other. Patricia says that she needs to learn how to guide twoard her students towards self-directed learning.

One challenge that can occur is that most students come into the classroom and want to be "entertained." The students think can sit back and be a passive learner, and that it's the teacher's responsibility to "make" them learn. Some students just go to school, HS or college, to simply mess around. Learning has no affect on the student, the ycould care less.


  1. One detail about this post that I enjoyed was when you said that people learn best from each other. Also, I liked your statement about "teachers are facilitators of knowledge". As future teachers we are learning how to help students obtain important knowledge and skills, but we might sometimes have to unlearn what we already know and relearn different ways of teaching it to students so that we can adapt it for each individual student. That's where continued professional development plays a role.

  2. What you have said here is on point! You have this topic nailed BUT... two things: First, there are so many errors in the text that I found it difficult to follow and I had to re-read sections in order to gain understanding. And secondly, there were no sources cited for your teacher quotes. You obviously have the content knowledge, but as a fellow student, I want to encourage you to better manage your written thoughts. People in general are judgmental, thus when we publish something in a professional manner, we must ensure that our thoughts are conveyed with excellence so that people who need to hear what we have to say will not just dismiss our thoughts because of its presentation. But again, what you have said is great.
